For a decade, Tom worked as an editor for, the largest comedy site in the world with over 15 million unique monthly visits and 300 million monthly views. He created the show Junk History for Cracked's YouTube channel, as well as contributing and performing several sketches and monologues, and regularly contributing to other popular Cracked series such as After Hours, Some News, Obsessive Pop Culture Disorder, We're Not Alone, and The Stumbling Dead. He was the creator and host of the Cracked Movie Club podcast, which released weekly episodes for 50,000 listeners. He has performed standup at Westside Comedy Theater and the NerdMelt Showroom, and has toured with Unpopular Opinion's Adam Tod Brown and Jeff May. Additionally, he can run a mile in 7 minutes and can recite the entirety of Tim Burton's Batman from memory.
Junk History (creator, writer, actor)
Today's Topic (writer, actor)
After Hours (writer)
Some News (writer, actor)
Honest Ads (writer, actor)
Cracked Rants (writer, actor)
We Are Not Alone (Writer)
Escort Mission (writer)
Shout! The Phone-Sharing App (sketch; writer, actor)
The Stumbling Dead (actor)
Tales To Get Scared To (actor)